The Importance of Dental Health
Healthy teeth

Dental Health Affects Our Overall Health

Oral health is an essential part of our overall health and well-being. Most patients do not correlate oral health with their overall health, but the link is incredibly important in combating harmful diseases and maintaining optimal overall health.

The Risk of Gum Disease

Gingivitis is a common oral disease with 75% of U.S. adults having some form of it. Therefore, it is important to keep up with your scheduled dental appointments and practice good oral hygiene early on. Patients should think of gingivitis like an open wound – when your gums bleed, bacteria will go in.

Poor oral hygiene does not only lead to cavities and gum disease but is linked to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Blood Pressure & Dental Treatments

Another common misconception in dentistry is how blood pressure doesn’t correlate with dental treatments. The reason for this is that blood pressure is checked before any major procedure in dentistry. This means when blood pressure is higher than the anesthesia used by dentists it can lead to dizziness and shaking. This also applies to tooth extractions, since blood pressure is high it can lead to excess blood flow at a strong current.

You can think of blood pressure like a hose, when the pressure is high water comes out at a stronger rate and the same can be associated with a blood vessel.

Achieve Excellent Oral Health for Your Well-being

Establishing a good routine for your dental habits early on is the best course of action when achieving proper oral health.Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is a lifelong commitment that should be something people look forward to. It’s also important to see your dentist regularly to maintain good oral health which in turn aids in maintaining overall health.

At Dental Health 360, we are open six days a week and offer high-quality dental services for residents in both Spring Valley, NY, Paramus, NJ, and the surrounding areas today.

Get in touch with our team at (201) 809-9566 today. Our offices are located in Spring Valley, NY, and Paramus, NJ!
